Spookiest Restaurants
Eternity Restaurant within a Coffin
The restaurant, from the outside, literally appears to be an oversized coffin in the middle of a parking lot. It measures nearly 66 feet which equates to about 20 metres long and measures 6 metres wide and 6 metres high. This does indeed make for a cozy dining experience with not a lot of room to move around freely.
Unfortunately for anyone looking to experience this restaurant and the experience of eating and dining within a coffin, the restaurant shut its doors permanently before 2017. The coffin no longer exists either. The reasons for its closing are less than clear but was disappointing news for tourists who hoped to dine and experience this unique experience.
Casey Moore’s
Casey Moore’s is known to be a haunted building and is currently a restaurant in Arizona in the United states. There are many different stories about who haunts the house and what happened in the building to get it haunted in the first place.
Earnestine & Hazel’s
This is actually a relatively famous bar in Tennessee and known for its world renound burger. It hasn’t always been a restaurant, however. The location was once a pharmacy but then became home to a brothel, cafe and even a brief stint as a concert hall. There are rumours that 13 different people died in the building and still live there, in spirit of course, today.
Fortezza Medicea
THe restaurant employees are made up of prisoners who have comitted crimes that range from petty theft to murders. You heard correctly, this restaurant is set within a prison, a high security prison, and is open to the general public. You do have to endure a screening for security measures before dining at the restarant.
The whole concept of this restaurant is not for everyone. It involves eating fake organs out of a human.. fake human.. body. THe entire body is edible and is cut open by service staff before being enjoyed and eaten by the diners. The restaurant of course carries the theme through the entire experience, brining the body out on an operating table nd using a scalpel and other medical tools to cut it open and enjoy it. The different parts are made of different foods and menu items complete with blood like sauces.
Dining in the dark
THis is more of a trend than anything and involves dining in the pitch black. this means you cannot see your food or any of your surroundings at all. There are different restaurants all over the world that have embraced and execute this concept.